The Trap

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Synopsis: The Trap is the journey of a sexually innocent man who follows a handsome stranger and takes an unexpected trip into the depths of San Francisco’s underground. Directed by Andrew Rosen, in cooperation with who provided the gear, wear and toys for this film, Raging Stallion goes deeper in the mind and body to uncover hidden desires and explore new levels of the sexual experience. Not only do these men have great sex, but they are very passionate with each other, often combining deep kissing along with rough and energetic fetish sex.

Cast List: Andre Barclay, Angelo Marconi, Antonio Biaggi, Austin Wilde, Bruno Bond, Conner Habib, Junior Stellano, Ricky Sinz, RJ Danvers, Spencer Reed, Tristan Jaxx

Director: Andrew Rosen

Assistant Director: Bruno Bond

Running Time: 120 minutes

Special Features: The loaded bonus disk includes 4 solos, bonus scene, , featurette and ‘Behind the Scenes with Naked Sword.’